Price list MINI ELLIPSE valid from 1.4.2023.

As a result of a new EU regulation, we are now obliged to charge the VAT in their home country for customers within the European Union (EU).
Based on the net price (excluding VAT), we have listed the final customer prices including VAT (gross prices) for Germany (DE 19%), as well as the Slovak Republic (SK), Austria (AT) and France (F) (20%).
For all other EU member states, please add the VAT of your home country to the net prices shown.

For customers outside the EU, the net price shown applies.The VAT of your home country and possible customs duties will be invoiced additionally for import customs clearance.


VAT 19%
VAT 20%
Complete model
MINI ELLIPSE, allround, ver. EV, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE, allround, ver. GV, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE, strong  – carbon, ver. EV, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE, strong – carbon, ver. GV, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
Added price for colour design B, C, D, E n.a.
Added price for colour design F,G,H,I n.a.
Added color  (price for each additional color) n.a.
Accessories (at model not included)
MINI ELLIPSE V-tail bag, for GV, EV n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing + fuselage bag n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing + 2x fuselage bag n.a.
KST servo set mounted (4,8-8,4V) – 2x X08, 2x X08H 168 € 199,92 € 201,61 €
Power unit MEGA AC 16/15/5 F5J + CAMcarbon 9×5″ Aeronaut, mounted 116 € 137,45 € 138,60 €
Power unit MEGA AC 16/15/5 F5J + carbon prop JM 9×5″, mounted 149 € 176,72 € 178,20 €
ESC YGE 35LVT  with telemetrie and BEC 5A/10A 92 € 109,48 € 110,40 €
USB-adapter YGE 39 € 46,41 € 46,80 €
ESC Dualsky XC3012BA 31 € 36,65 € 36,96 €
JETI receiver R5L EX with telemetrie 75 € 89,25 € 90,00 €
Spare parts
MINI ELLIPSE wing allround, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing strong  – carbon, one color upside / one color downside n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing allround, colour, colour design B, C, D, E n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing strong  – carbon,  colour design B, C, D, E n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing allround, colour, colour design F, G n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE wing strong  – carbon,  colour design F, G n.a.
MINI ELLIPSE servo cover set 12 € 14,43 € 14,55 €
MINI ELLIPSE fuselage, ver. EV  (without canopy) 84 € 99,96 € 100,80 €
MINI ELLIPSE fuselage, ver. GV  (without canopy) 84 € 99,96 € 100,80 €
MINI ELLIPSE cabine, ver. GV 11 € 13,09 € 13,20 €
MINI ELLIPSE cabine, ver. EV 11 € 13,09 € 13,20 €
MINI ELLIPSE V-tail, ver. GV, EV n.a.
Carbon prop blades JM 9×5″(1 pair) 42 € 49,48 € 49,90 €


 G – glider     E – electro    V – v-tail
ver. – version      (L/R) – left/light      n.a. – currently not avilable



